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Monday 4 June 2012


Floating struck me as a good title for this blog, given that the Thames pageant was so exciting. Plus the fact that all those folk watching it along the banks were almost floating themselves.

I am doing an article for Stitch magazine about amulet purses. I though I would work up the metal purse technique but show them how to use small auto stitches, or little free machined motifs, to 'float' over the metal. I find this a good way of decorating metal shim with stitch as many people are hesitant about using their machine with metal. I find that it is fine as long as a good firm backing is used. This stops the thread from  breaking and also prevents any tiny fragments falling into the machine.

Floating is also great for making patterns or motifs show over the top of a fabric they would usually sink into. Good on felt or on silk carrier rods, as shown in the book.

Today I plan to tidy my workroom as there is another piece I want to show you but it is lost in the havoc.

I have been to Auckland, Glenys. Lovely place

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